If we are the ones we have been waiting for, first and the very foremost, we have to make a change. A change is defined as to cause to be different or to transform something from one state to another. Now the question is, change in what way and how to change? Thousands of doubt aroused from the aforementioned issue. Changes can be made in various ways, from the change of the surrounding environment to one’s thinking, personalities, and attitude as well. Generally, it is impossible for us to predict our future. It can be bright or either way if we choose to live in despair. Through creative designs from interior designers, we can actually create a better and conducive environment to live in. For instance, an interior designer creates a warm atmosphere of building design that makes the users feel comfortable to live in.
The crucial value to blench in so that we can be the top among the cream is to be aggressive as gold achievement requires aggressive attitude. Of course, this does not mean that we are stepping on the others, invade and do anything harmful and unethical. The aggressive here refers to the willingness to be initiative, boldly assertive, strive forward and making an all-out effort to win or succeed. We as future Interior Designers should always prepared with competitive spirit by not fear of competition. Healthy competitions make us grow meanwhile bring out the best in us and also the space of improvement. We are now holding hand in hand pacing to the path of our future. Life might be an arduous journey, an uphill task, a road full of thorns but not a bed of roses. Hence, we shall always be constant to our purposes and principle, be clear about our aims, bear the pricks and persevere in order to continue our task against all odd .In between, we have to mould our own style which show indifference and uniqueness from the rest to be sparkle under the bright sun. That’s the change all of us should have.
Moreover, changing ourselves not to have lackadaisical attitude shall prevent us from taking everything for granted. The value of aggressiveness teaches us not to sit back and wait for our success to happen, which will never happen. So, we shall sleep in our thinking box no more by now. It is the time for us to come out of the box, but first, we should be awake searching high and low for the best solution because again, sitting around do nothing but dreaming about your goal is certainly not the answer. We should think out of a box. Another thing is that even we had a well-planned plan, executing it may not be exactly what we envisioned. Thus, flexibility is the key, especially when our method does not work, alteration with some course corrections along the way have to be done before trying out for other possibilities in a new perspective. Have we ask ourselves, are we ready to make the change of mind shift?
With proper attitude and thinking, we should not forget too to do reflection upon every little single thing we do. An overall review could have been done by go over task we have accomplish. Asking probable questions such as ,’ Are we doing a great job? What else we can do to make some improvement? What have we learned at the end of the task?’ in order to boost ourselves. Through self review, we can anytime get ready by forseen what is our upcoming challenges, try our best to concentrate and see the bigger image even more clearly meanwhile prevent us keeping ourselves from blanking out or up for nothing in our mind. Furthermore, lets change our mind to imply sustainable thoughts. Since we stepped our foot in and become part of the construction industry, we often deal with the sustainable issues. For example, is bamboo a sustainable material that able to play it’s role to create a sustainable future? Well, it really depends on our thoughts again, how are we going to make use of it until maximum to achieve our main purpose? We have to change our mind and cultivate positive thinking in every one of us. Try to think further. The more we think, the more we gain and the more we do. We have to give 100% effort in every single project we deal with, try our very best to make our dream become a reality in a sustainable way.
In this design field, we have to be flexible in our designs. Soft skill is very important especially when we try to communicate and convey our ideas to the clients. A proper way of understanding towards to latest technology may assist in our work. In this modern era, the single worldwide computer network that interconnects other computer networks, on which end-user services, such as World Wide Web sites or data archives, are located, enabling data and other information to be exchanged, thus internet plays its part to get all of us connected. Besides that, the design software provided in the market do help lighten our work. Hence, master up the knowledge in design with the help of the advance technology and keep updated with the latest trend will undoubtedly make us perform at the top of our career. Sometimes our design does not meet the customers’ requirements, thus, we must be able to think all roundedly in order to apply our ideas and satisfy the requirements made from the clients. Again, flexibility is the key. Therefore, we must always be a good listeners and always be updated with current flow of knowledge. A question has been point to Mr. Jeff Smoler, a successful Interior Designer during an interview session, “What has been your key to success?” He answered: “To be able to listen to my clients. To be true to my word. To treat each client the way that I would expect to be treated.”
Besides that, strategies management plays an essential role in design work. Excellent time and project management will certainly help in the completion of projects. There might be a situation when we thought we had done our best and our work is ready to be present to our clients, end up receiving mean critics and ignorance from our customers. Though we had done our part but it seems nothing fruitful in return. This is part of the process where every single designers may go through. Then, we will start doubting our own ability when we face the great obstacle. Well, it is time to make a change. Since we are qualified to be interior designers, do not hesitate our qualification in this field. What we can do are to be confident and no doubt, strive for it .One’s responsibility is also important in this field. We should always be responsible to our job and promises for customers We receive payments from the customers based on how huge the project we bear and how huge the project we handled is actually equals to how great our responsibility is. We have to set our mind to be responsible interior designers in order to create a harmony and peaceful living environment. There is no such thing as ‘selfish’ or so called ‘self-fishing’ in the construction industry. We have to always bare in mind that the consequences may influence our role in the design world. Thus, change our mindset to live better and to lead a better tomorrow.
Last but not least, passion is another main factor to be a successful interior designer. Not only referring to interior designers, those who shows passion in their work will definitely go through their challenges. What is the relationship between passion and a mindshift ? A mind creates passion whereas passion controls the mind. Being passionate towards designing works produce something outstanding and quality. “I strive to be the best that I can be (not the army). I try to get as much of my work published as possible. I embrace technology, as I would not have existed in business if I did not. I enjoy seeing my clients smile at the end of a project. I truly get a good feeling about what I do. It is not work but love. ” - Mr. Jeff Smoler, Interior Designer. This shows how much love he spent on his work rather than money, time and effort. Love ourselves as a designer only than you can produce something valuable to the customers.
As conclusion, by changing our mind, we will eventually achieve soul-shift. Soul is defined as the principle of life in a simple way, the animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity in a complex way. No matter what, we have to rethink our future. Stand on our own feet and let’s do it together. Make the move now and change our mind, as we are the one we have been waiting for.